The City Life Gallery

May 22, 2020

Hello all


I hope you are staying safe. Cityscapes are very interesting and beautiful. The lines and shapes of the buildings. The variety of colors that lie in cityscape moves me. It is a vibration that can't be explained. It is the art that motivates me to take pictures of the city and the people that walk it. Whether it is the history or the future, you will enjoy the art of the city that I present to you. The earth tones will put life in the wood furniture in your house. The cool tones will make your room comfortable and pleasant. Pictures can bring back memories for you. It can make you think and reminisce of the past or think or a place you would like to visit. These images can take you away from these difficult times. It can take your imagination to a higher level. This is why I present "The City Life". It is a variety of images that can be a part of any city. Large buildings, people,  and beautiful skies. Please take a look through this gallery and enjoy the images that are in front of you. There is a discount when you purchase. Please use code citylife for a 10% discount. 


The City Life Gallery


Thanks so much and enjoy



J.Montague Photography





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